I Made Maduarta (Pung)
Pung is YPBB’s foremost expert in the botany, horticulture, and cultural practice of dye-making. He manages YPBB’s experimental dye studio, herbarium, and living plant collection, and conducts research into dye plants and processes from around the country. Pung also works directly with indigenous weavers to sustain the cultural and technical integrity of their dye processes.
The Alola Foundation
The Alola Foundation works on issues of maternal and child health, education, economic development and advocacy for women and children in the new nation of Timor Leste. YPBB is helping Alola develop its retail arm, called Esperanza, to provide opportunities for rural weavers and an avenue of support for traditional culture in this poor and fragile country.
People and Plants International
Since 2005, PPI has mentored YPBB on developing community-based systems for natural resource management. PPI has provided the basis for YPBB’s methodology in the field, and helped build our organizational capacity for community work. Ethnobotanists from PPI have trained our staff to identify forest plants, collect specimens, and assemble and manage our herbarium, and to approach our dye studio investigations with scientific discipline.
Since 1999, the Program for Women Headed Households in Indonesia-better known by the Indonesian acronym PEKKA-has trained thousands of rural widows and single mothers in eight provinces in basic numeracy and literacy, savings and credit administration, and more, and advocated for women’s social and political empowerment. YPBB trains PEKKA weavers’ groups in Lombok and Adonara in natural dye making, product development, and marketing.
Timor Aid
Tulun Rai Timor (Timor Aid) is a non-governmental organization with a vision of a peaceful, prosperous East Timor. To contribute to this vision, Timor Aid cooperates with a broad range of partners to provide health services and clean water, develop education for children and adults, and more. Timor Aid and YPBB are collaborating to support weavers’ groups around the country.
Threads of Life
YPBB’s unique relationship with Threads of Life, a Fair Trade textile and crafts merchant with a strong presence in Bali, ensures that the high-quality crafts produced by our partners will have market access and a real chance to succeed in the competitive international marketplace.
YPBB Report Archives:
Below are links to some of the documents produced by YPBB, including training materials developed for our partner communities and short versions of final project reports.
- Suara Budaya newsletter March 2009
PDF format - Suara Budaya newsletter June 2009
PDF format - Suara Budaya newsletter September 2009
PDF format